1. Dead-Kennedys-Bedtime-for-Deomcracy-F
  2. Dead-Kennedys-Bedtime-for-Deomcracy-B

Dead Kennedys — Bedtime For Democracy

Regular price $15.71

Remastered from the Original Tapes

The Dead Kennedys’ final studio album from 1986 thrashes with classic political punk rock. Often imitated, never duplicated.

Released: 4/29/03

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Label: Manifesto Records

Variant: Black

Format: LP

  1. Take This Job And Shove It
  2. Hop With The Jet Set
  3. Dear Abby
  4. Rambozo The Clown
  5. Fleshdunce
  6. The Great Wall
  7. Shrink
  8. Triumph Of The Swill
  9. Macho Insecurity
  10. Spy
  11. Cesspools In Eden
  12. One-Way Ticket To Pluto
  13. Do The Slag
  14. A Commercial
  15. Gone With My Wind
  16. Anarchy For Sale
  17. Chickenshit Conformist
  18. Where Do Ya Draw The Line
  19. Potshot Heard Around The World
  20. D.M.S.O
  21. Lie Detector